Articles "In Extenso" (regular scientific articles)
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Articles "In Extenso" (regular scientific articles)
- Husárová I, Lungu OV, Mareček R, Mikl M, Gescheidt T, Krupa P, Bareš M. Functional Imaging of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia During Predictive Motor Timing in Early Parkinson's Disease J Neruroimaging. 2014; 24(1):45-53.
- Zelinková J., Shaw D.J., Mareček R., Mikl M., Urbánek T., Peterková L., Zámečník P., Brázdil M. Superior temporal sulcus and social cognition in dangerous drivers. Neuroimage. 2013; in press (doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.07.063).
- Husárová I., Mikl M., Lungu O.V., Mareček R., Vaníček J., Bareš M. Similar circuits but different connectivity patterns between the cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and supplementary motor area in early Parkinson's disease patients and controls during predictive motor timing. Journal of Neuroimaging. 2013; 23(4):452-62.
- Gescheidt T., Mareček R., Mikl M., Czekóová K., Urbánek T., Vaníček J., Shaw D.J., Bareš M. Functional anatomy of outcome evaluation during Iowa Gambling Task performance in patients with Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study. Neurological Sciences. 2013; 34(12):2159-66.
- Rektor I., Tomčík J., Mikl M., Mareček R., Brázdil M., Rektorová I. Association between the basal ganglia and large-scale brain networks in epilepsy. Brain Topography. 2013; 26(2):355-62.
- Rektorova I., Mikl M., Barrett J., Marecek R., Rektor I., Paus T. Functional neuroanatomy of vocalization in patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2012; 313:7-12.
- Kasparek T, Rehulova J, Kerkovsky M, Sprlakova A, Mechl M, Mikl M. Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry. 2012 Mar 12;12:17.
- Rektorova I., Krajcovicova L., Marecek R., Mikl M. Default Mode Network and Extrastriate Visual Resting State Network in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Dementia. Neurodeneretive Dis. 2012; 10(1-4):232-7.
- Krajcovicova L., Mikl M., Marecek R., Rektorova I. The default mode network integrity in patients with Parkinson's disease is levodopa equivalent dose-dependent. J Neural Transm. 2012; 119(4):443-54.
- Kasparek T., Prikryl R., Rehulova J., marecek R., Mikl M., Prikrylova H., Vanicek J., Ceskova E. Brain Functional Connectivity of Male Patients in Remission After the First Episode of Schizohrenia. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012; 34(3):726-37.. ISSN: 1065-9471.
- Krajcovicova L., Mikl M., Marecek R., Rektorova I. "Default mode" Network Analysis in Healthy Volunteers. Ceska a slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie, 2010, 73(5):517-522. ISSN 1210-7859
- Mikl M., Mareček R., Hluštík P., Pavlicová M., Drastich A., CHlebus P., Brázdil M., Krupa P. Effects of spatial smoothing on fMRI group inferences. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2008, 26(4):490-503. ISSN 1522-2586
- Rektorova I., Barrett J., Mikl M., Rektor I., Paus T. Functional abnormalities in the primary orofacial sensorimotor cortex during speech in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 2007, 22(14):2043-51. ISSN (printed): 0885-3185. ISSN (electronic): 1531-8257.
- Brázdil M., Mikl M., Mareček R., Krupa P., Rektor I. Effective connectivity in target stimulus processing: A dynamic causal modeling study of visual oddball task. NeuroImage, 2007, 35(2):827-835. ISSN 1053-8119.
- Chlebus P., Mikl M., Brázdil M., Pažourková M., Krupa P., Rektor I. fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominance using various methods of laterality index calculation. Experimental Brain Research, 2007, 179(3):365-74. ISSN 0014-4819 (Print) 1432-1106 (Online).
- Brázdil M., Mikl M., Chlebus P., Pažourková M., Novák Z., Chrastina J., Prášek J., Bolčák K., Fojtíková D., Horký J., Tomčík J., Lžičařová E., Rektor I. Combining advanced neuroimaging techniques in presurgical workup of non-lesional intractable epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 2006, 8(3):190-194. ISSN 1294-9361.
- Rektor I., Rektorová I., Mikl M., Brázdil M., Krupa P. An event-related fMRI study of self-paced alphabetically ordered writing of single letters. Experimental Brain Research, 2006, 173(1):79-85. ISSN 0014-4819 (Print) 1432-1106 (Online). Vzhledem k chybě v tabulce bylo vydáno následující erratum
- Rektor I., Rektorová I., Mikl M., Brázdil M., Krupa P. An event-related fMRI study of self-paced writing of simple dots. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2006, 20(2):61-67. ISSN 0269-8803.
- Brázdil M., Chlebus P., Mikl M., Pažourková M., Krupa P., Rektor I. Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study. European Journal of Neurology, 2005, 12:268-275. ISSN 1315-5101.
- Brázdil M., Dobšík M., Mikl M., Hluštík P., Daniel P., Pažourková M., Krupa P., Rektor I. Combined event-related fMRI and intracerebral ERP study of an auditory oddball task. NeuroImage, 2005, 26:285-293. ISSN 1053-8119.
- Chlebus P., Brázdil M., Mikl M., Pažourková M., Krupa P., Rektor I. Lokalizace korových řečových center a hodnocení jejich lateralizace pomocí fMRI. Neurologie pro praxi, 2004; 3:172-175. ISSN 1213-1814.
- Chlebus P., Brázdil M., Hluštík P., Mikl M., Pažourková M., Krupa P. Handedness shift as a consequence of motor cortex reorganization after early functional impairment in left temporal lobe epilepsy. An fMRI case report Neurocase; 2004; 4:326-329. ISSN 1355-4794.
- Brázdil M, Dobšík M, Pažourková M, Krupa P, Rektor I. Význam funkční magnetické rezonance pro hodnocení kognitivních pochodů v lidském mozku. Lokalizace "oddball" úkolem aktivovaných neuronálních populací. Česká a Slovenská Neurolologie a Neurochirurgie, 2003; 1:20-30.
Summary articles
- Chlebus P., Mikl M., Brázdil M., Krupa P. Funkční magnetická rezonance - úvod do problematiky. Neurologie pro praxi, 2005; 3:133-138. ISSN 1213-1814.
- Mareček R., Mikl M., Rektor I., Brázdil M. Multimodální neurozobrazování pomocí simultánního EEG-fMRI (Multimodal imaging with simultaneous EEG-fMRI). Ceska a slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie. 2012; in press. ISSN 1210-7859.